Don't Confuse It

It's been three years that I moved away from home and throughout those years I have remain in touch with only a few people. It's not that I ever thought that I was better than anyone, never that and may God help me not ever think like that. But more like some of those individuals were not helping me get to the next level. Yes, we all have those individuals that say they are friends but in all reality when it comes to those situations that you need a lifting hand....they disappear. My padre always told me that we don't have friends in this life. And as time goes by I believe it more and more. For most of my life I have been a 'loner' and I enjoy it. I just think that life is too short to  be waiting around for people, if people want to be in your life they will make time to for you. I understand we have to work but a simple phone call or text message letting a love one know that you are thoight about them is even great. We only spend most of our time on a iPhones and iPads so I don't want to hear it.

A few days ago a friend from back home reached out to me via text message and to tell you the truth I much rather have a conversation in person but seeing that we live in different cities we have to make acceptances. Days later I was informed by a close friend of mine that they were looking for help in the office that I used to work in back home and asked if I knew anyone to send them down. I thought the friend of mine that had reached out to me earlier in the week. I called my friend and explained her the details for the job in case she was interested. After that we just picked up where we had left off and it seems like the good old days. Of course I had to cut it short because I was talking to her on  my way to my second job and traffic allowed us to remain talking a little bit longer. I informed her that I would be in town next week for the holidays and that we would be able to catch up then. She agreed and made a comment that caught me by surprised.

"Just let me know and we could meet because I don't think you want to come to the ghetto."

It's surprising because this was the friend that I had early mornings and late nights with due to work. We were partners in crimes in the the work force traveling to different counties. The friend that was with me when a man pulled out a rifle while we were on the job, the friend who I considered like family.

I honestly come from a humble family, parents who are not rich but are always willing to give the last bit they have. They have one their best to raise and educate us with what they could. And to be honest I think they did a damn good job. This friend of mine knows where I came from, she knows my family and our background so when she made this comment I was very surprised. I told her that I know how to defend myself and it doesn't matter if it's the ghetto, I'll be fine.

As the years have gone by I will agree that there has been some changes in my life and in me. If you would have known me back in those days, I'd say that I would never change. In all reality we all have to change in some point in time. Change isn't bad but of course that is what I had in my mentality. Well what I'm trying to say is that even though I moved away and decided to continue my education, doesn't mean that I'm better than those back home or anyone else. I had the opportunity to go out and do it just like anyone else does and you better know that's what I'm doing.


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