39 Days Till...

I'm 39 days away from graduation and I really can't seem to believe it. I guess because I was informed twice in the past that I would graduate and things didn't go that way. I remember sitting in the advisor's office and the lady informed me that I would graduate December 2016. I sat there and refused to accept that response because I didn't plan on attending college one whole extra year. Well let's just say that God had the final answer and the following semesters I had to pause my education due to financial problems. People asked why not take out loans? I told myself that I would work multiple jobs so I wouldn't have to take out any loans to pay off school. And that is clearly what I have been doing. I will also say that the help of scholarships and financial aid have been a blessing. I want to make it clear that my parents have NEVER helped me pay for my education. Yes, they are proud that I have chosen to attend college but doesn't mean that they have paid for it. You see my parents believe in fairness and it's only right that they do. Hello, there is seven of us so it hasn't been easy but yet they always made it work. But back to this graduation business...well I guess I can say it kind of feels real. I already got my approval through the office of graduation services, purchased my cap and gown, reserved tickets and of course taken a couple graduation photos. All I have to do is stay focus. When I started the beginning of this semester I felt like I was new to everything, then I remembered that last semester I decided to take a break from Mass Communication courses and took courses outside of my major. I did enjoy the time away but then again if you don't practice what you have learned you will forget it....and that is what happened to me. Well I take that back because I did seem to take a few courses of Mass Communications last semester but not any that had to do with video shooting and editing. My curiosity wanted to know when was the last time that I had messed with any video action and it was actually a whole year ago. I have finally adjusted to the video shooting and some what of editing. I also learned that the better I plan to go out and shoot footage helps so much! So for any of my professional media majors, this is my advice to you...plan and then shoot.


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