S**t Got Real In the Feelings...

I met him one night out with the girls, the night we went to go see Romeo Santos live in concert. To tell you the truth I felt like it was all planned, don't ask why..I just do.

The night was young and we were ready to see Romeo Santos, we had only been waiting for this moment for ever. We got dressed and met up with my other friend that lives in Dallas who was also attending the concert. After numerous hugs, selfies, crazy traffic and playing catching up we finally made it to the venue where we would sing out BIG hearts out with Romeo Santos. The concert was incredible and I could honestly say one of the top best I have attended! Trust me your girl likes her some concert action, YAS! Any who afterwards we ended up going to a Latin club where we ran into one of my friend's friend, Freddie, who was very nice and also had a HUGE crush on my girl, JoJo. They decided to go out and dance together while my other friend and I did the same too. As the night went by we were all having a blast drinking and dancing the night away and out of no where that is when he approached me.

He stood about 6'7, very handsome, hair comb in place with the most beautiful and whitest smile you could think of with a very classy outfit.
As he extended his hand, he bent over to speak to me in which he introduced himself and ask for my name. I shook his hand and told him my name, which I don't recall what name I used but I think I told him my real name. He asked if he could make me company and offered to buy me a drink but of course I already had one so I accepted his company. He informed me that he saw me early and wanted to approach me but he wasn't able to. By then I was thinking that is probably the fifth time he has said that to someone tonight. Of course, my expression on my face clearly said what I though that he asked, "do you not believe me, ask your friend.'' I told him to continue on and that I'd ask later, which I did and turns out that it was all true. My friend said that he tried to approach me a couple times but of course she stopped him the first time and then the second time she pulled me away to go to the ladies room before he had the chance. Wow, I was like damn you my body guard now?! Lol We continued to hang out and he was my dancing partner for a few songs by the time it was time to go we had already made our separate ways. He asked for my number but of course I said no maybe the next time I saw him, expecting that I wouldn't see him again. Hello, it was a huge lot full of different types of clubs that you just club hop. Well as I was heading out the club, guess who I ran into. Yes, him! He then said, ''it's a sign.'' I told him that it didn't count and it would be the next time I saw him around, which would probably be never. Don't get me wrong I was already attracted to him plus we had a great time and we could probably remain friends where our friendship would fade away but I didn't think it work. I wanted to introduce him to the girls to see what they thought about him and before that could happen him and Freddie were shaking hands like good buddies. Well it turns out that Freddie and him knew each other and were good friends.....like are you serious right now? Was this planned? I looked at JoJo and gave her the "did you know this" look. Of course she sworn that she didn't and so I believed her. Lol The guys wanted to take us out to eat so we accepted the invitation, except for my other friend who was ready to head to the hotel.

For some reason Denny's is always one of the BEST places to eat after a great night out with your girls or guys..you feel me! Well at least I think, at least in Dallas. Of course Denny's was calm and fresh because around 4 and 5 in the morning people are usually sleeping. Lol I had so much fun with JoJo and the guys but of course the night had to come to an end. So we all said our good-byes and it was time for me to head on to the hotel, which he had to drop me off because JoJo was going to ride with Freddie. I didn't mind and we pretty much talked the entire way...it was a risky move, now that I think about. Smh. That is young and dumb thoughts, for reals! We arrived at the hotel and it was time to say ''the good-bye, it was nice meeting you, I'll never see you again.'' Little did I know that's not how it was going down. He opened the door for me and asked if he could have my number again, he honestly didn't care how many times he would have to ask. I was very amazed because some guys have too much pride that there like yeah right, I didn't want her number anyway. So I respect the fact that he kept trying so I went ahead and gave him the digits as well as a hug. Before he could drive off he promised me that it wouldn't be the last time we see each other and I just smiled and said, ''we shall see.''

As the hours, days and weeks went by, we constantly texted, called, voxered each other pretty much every day!! Who would of thought that this would be us after thinking that I would never hear or see this guy again. I had met him in June and he had asked if I would be his date to his birthday party the following month. I told him that I would love to be his date but I probably wouldn't go! Lol. As his birthday got closer he would constantly keep bring up the subject, which I always tried to avoid. The week of his birthday was finally here also known as the fourth of July! A couple weeks back I had mention it to JoJo about my thoughts and concerns about the party, the guy and what not! Of course she told me to go and that we could make it a girls' weekend if I came down. I was still debating because turns out that some of his family with be there so I wasn't for sure if I was ready to meet the family...hello we are only talking, nothing serious yet. Well the day before the 4th of July I started packing and I left! Why stay home if I didn't have any plans plus I was off from both jobs and time away is always fun! I made my way to Dallas, I only informed JoJo that I was going and that I would surprise Bori that night or the following day. Of course that didn't go as planned because as I arrived to Dallas he called me and heard the commercial on the road and found out. So much for a surprise! *rolling eyes*

It was finally Saturday and I was getting ready for Bori's party. I was some what nervous because tonight would be the night I would meet some of his relatives and I wasn't ready for all that. We met up so we could arrive together in which he made a little pit stop...to his mother's house! Ay Dios Mio, I felt like I was about to pee myself from being so nervous! As we walked in he greeted his mother and presented me as well. His mother loved me!! As he made some calls, his mother wasted no time to pull me aside and asked the 21 questions. I had no problem with her asking these questions, she's a mother and she wants best for her children and Bori was her pride and joy. I will say that I have mad respect for this woman because even though I bet it was hard for her to say what she said it was the truth.

I forgot to mention an important detail about the night I met Bori, that night I saw a picture of a little girl posing next to an impala '69 she looked around the age of 8 to 10. They say if you don't ask you will never know so of course I asked if that was his daughter he said yes. I continued to look at his photos as I asked if there was more, which he just smiled so I started guessing and obviously he wasn't and didn't tell me until later on. I will say that in the past I would have never dated anyone that had kids just because the fact that I wouldn't want to constantly have to worry about the drama of the mother and I didn't want to be a mommy figure when the child already has a mother. I give mad respect to the ladies that have huge hearts and are willing to do that. I just don't feel like I wouldn't be able to do that. Well many of you may be asking how many kids did he really have?? Moment of truth he had seven kids...yes I know! That's a complete family but yet incomplete as well..you may ask why did I have to have second thoughts? Or even say that you would have dropped him as soon as you found out. For some reason I was doing things differently with him, like actually giving him a chance and getting to see and know who he really was. We spoke about his past, the present and of course the future, the whole what do you want in life, goals and etc. I believe that this is what connected us closer and why I kept up with our relationship. Now that I think about it I think it had a lot to do with the fact that we always seemed to agree with mostly everything. The only thing that I would recall discussing was distance and moving.

As I stood there in the restroom next to his mother as she fixed the last details to my outfit for the night, we spoke about the relationship that her son and I had going. She asked away with no hesitation and I answered straightforward with no bull shit. She was very surprise to know that I was in my early twenties with no children, two jobs and going to college. She expressed that many girls my age were already on their second child and for the most part didn't finish high school, well at least there. She informed me that she was happy to know that Bori had found a great, smart, beautiful and independent lady but yet she wasn't finished. She asked me what was I doing, I deserved so much better. She made it clear that she adored and loved her son very much but as woman to woman she said that I needed to know that I needed to get away before it was late. I was terrified when she expressed herself like that because the thoughts in my head were thinking he was a murder or some type of monster that was out to hurt me. In all reality she was just looking out for me, I assured her that I didn't know what was going to happen between Bori and I but I was willing to find out. I told her that just because I chose to be with her son that didn't mean I would drop the dreams, goals and hard work I did to get where I wanted to. At that moment I was very offended and I felt that she didn't like me, more like she thought I wasn't good enough for her son but now it makes clear sense. We finished our conversation with her telling me to stop and actually think about taking the responsibilities that also came with Bori. I agreed that I would think about it, I had to make sure I was willing to accept his children, the mothers, and the lifestyle in general. As for the 'mothers' part he had seven children with three different mothers, yes, I know what your thinking. Why was I still there, it wasn't one or two it was seven kids.  I just wanted to be able to be civil with these ladies especially if I was going to take part in Bori's life. Also, I wanted to avoid any possible drama with them because the only drama I enjoyed were in my telenovelas and that' it. Of course I thought of the conversation over and over again but I told myself that I would not let it interfere with our night so I just put that aside and continued to enjoy the night, plus it had only begun.

As I sat there and spoke with Bori about the following night or should I say earlier that morning, there was a knock at the door. He wasn't expecting his sister until later on and to his surprise it was his daughter, who's mother was  also downstairs yelling for me to come out. At this point I'm confused on why she wants to speak to me and what made her think I was there. Talk about drama! *rolling eyes* I'm not going to get into detail about the drama but turns out I was "the talk of the party" because I was Bori's "new girl" and that I was acting stuck up. First of all I wasn't Bori's "new girl" second of all I don't act stuck up, I might look serious at first but never stuck up.

Well it was time for me to get on and get back home to reality...I told him bye and left. As I was getting into my car he stopped me and asked me to just listen, which I did. He told me that he was tired of looking for that happiness that he has always search for and with me he didn't have to look for it, it was just there. He said that he willing to give it his all knowing that I was in a different state and that we could arrange meeting halfway or something to make it work. He also told me that he would sit down with the mothers' of his kids and let them know that we were going to be together and he wasn't going to tolerate any disrespect from any of them towards me. He continued on for about 15 to 20 more minutes and lastly he asked me to marry him. I didn't think this was actually happening so of course he told me to not answer until I actually thought it clearly..

The days, weeks and months to come after that were pretty much the same like the beginning we constantly kept in touch through texting, phone call and Voxer. It wasn't until one day that the calls, texts and messages stopped coming through....by then I reached out to him three times in hopes that he would answer..I honestly didn't know how or what to think, I thought that maybe he was full of it and found someone else or maybe something happened to him. I was very upset and it took me some time before I accepted the fact that he no longer would contact me. After his birthday weekend I told him my thoughts and concerns about everything he had told me that night. I told him that I was too scared to continue on with this relationship because the hardest part for me what that he had children and I felt that it wouldn't be fair for either of us to get more attention then the other. I knew at the end of the day he was a father and he had to carry on with his father duties and responsibilities. I will say that I was also being selfish because I just wanted him to myself but that's impossible, he's a father and his children need him as much as he needs them. I wasn't going to be one of those girls' that do that and find it okay. Then one day I received a call from a similar number....yes, it was him. He informed me that his phone had broken and that was the only place he had saved my number, well he thought. Well turns out the night we met he had a temporary phone where he had saved my number so when he remembered he went looking for that phone and that is where he got it. We spoke for about 30 minutes before I had to hang up and he asked if I had moved on....I told him yes. I just couldn't put myself through the same thing all over again so I had to lie to him so we could let this goes. There was nights I laid in bed thinking about our situation and if maybe this was suppose to be my life, of course I prayed and asked God to guide me to my truth and that night my response rolled off my tongue like nothing...


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