Vale Sola Que Mal Acompañada

At the moment I am very frustrated with a certain person, my ex-boyfriend. I recently broke up with him last month and can honestly say I am VERY happy with life and the decision I made. We had been together for almost six months and I just felt that it was time to cut it. Throughout our relationship there was moments were we would agree with things but I constantly felt that we were disagreeing on things that we had already discussed. Of course it was harder for him to express himself so I would make time to make sure we spoke and discuss his thoughts and feelings. As our relationship continued I noticed that we had different outlooks on life. I also felt like I was putting most of the time and effort for our relationship to work. I even thought that maybe I was just being to pushy so of course I backed off. As time kept going I noticed that we were slowing falling apart from each other. That is when I thought of the fact of breaking up and just continue our own ways.

This past summer I took a couple days off to have a mini vacation away from everything and everybody. Sometimes the best thing to do is get away and think thoroughly what you want in life and what exact are you doing to get there. My getaway spot was Dallas, where I plan to live next. Any who throughout this time away I was able to relax and think deeply about my thoughts and concerns about this relationship I was currently in. Of course to make this thinking process correctly and clearly I need to keep to myself. This time away I only spoke to three people; my mother, my sister and my best guy friend. You might be thinking, damn she really took time away and even cut off her boyfriend. Hell yeah I did, I needed this time for me, myself and I. I honestly felt that our relationship had became a habit and I wasn't going to be someone's habit.

After returning from my time away I knew exactly what I wanted and the relationship wasn't one of them. So I went to go talk to him but of course he was never home and it didn't help that his phone wasn't working. When it comes to break-ups, I think that the best way to do it is face to face, not through text messages. We met and spoke about the subject and it was frustrating because he seemed like he really didn't care and wanted me to make the decision. Okay, I respect that you want to give me the chance but come on this is US we are discussing about. After finally expressing everything I needed to he finally spoke up and expressed how he felt. Something about the way he expresses himself is something so tierno pero tan bello. No se, es algo que me enamora mas de el. We agreed to try to work it out and if it just doesn't work then we could call it quits. The following days to come I noticed a whole different side of him, which I liked but I just couldn't seem to stick around. I felt that he had made some changes with his priorities but I still had that feeling that he would go back to his old ways after conquering me again.

Two weeks later I broke up with him, it was the most hardest thing to do. As I looked straight into his eyes and expressed myself his look became so tierno, that I had to keep my distance because I knew that I would want to hug him and tell him that we should keep trying. That night I barely got any sleep and the fact that he didn't respond to the break up until I left also kept me up. Don't get me wrong I really care for this guy but if they are not willing to meet you at the same level, te estas matando por un amor que no vale. Y yo no quiera sera un tonteria por esta enamorada cuando el no estaba de mi.

Now almost a month later, I am able to say that I am very happy where I stand and of course now it's just para delante y no ver atras. Now of course the roles have changed for the both of us, he is the one that is missing me and texting me. I was clear with him that we wouldn't get back together and I never mentioned becoming friends afterwards. Of course I wished him the best, lo perdoné por todo el daño que me hiso y claro por los momentos bellos que tuvimos pero ahi se acabo. "Vale sola que mal acompañada..."


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