"If you don't like it, don't listen.."

Today I was doing some shopping at a local Ross here in Oklahoma. I was minding my own business until I heard these two ladies exchanging words. I wasn't for sure what was actually happening but I decided to be aware of what was going on just incase I needed to act upon the issue. Well one of the ladies was an older mid-50's and she was complaining about the fact that there was some foreigners that were speaking in their native language. "We are in American, they don't need to speak that language here," said the lady. Well the other lady was about mid-30's and she replied, " well they are free to speak whatever they like, if you don't like it than don't listen." They continued to exchange words and of course the older lady was very upset and decided to walk away while mumbling things. The last thing that I heard was "and I bet you are for Trump as well."

After seeing these individuals exchanged words, I stood there thinking about how much this world has changed but yet remains the same. I'm not saying that the lady was probably racist but when I think about it, it kind of makes me think that way. My parents taught my siblings and I to not speak in another language in front of others that don't understand it. We were told that it was very rude and that we must not do it. I understand the fact of that but when the only option is to speak English, Spanish or what other language, I feel that it's okay. And I believe that was the case at Ross early today.

I wanted to go thank the lady for standing up for those individuals, who actually didn't realize what had happened. I thought that I shouldn't have to go and thank her because people should always stand for what they believe, think or feel what might be correct. I decided to just look at her and exchange a smile with her. It's sad to see that we live in a time were remarks and comments are still made.


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