Tornado Tuesday

As I sit here surrounded by my family watching and hearing the news makes me feel some type of way. You might say this girl is crazy blogging while she has a tornado coming her way but we are in the clear for now. Thank goodness. Well when we were getting ready to head to my sister's house, because she has tornado shelter, I had the kids in the car and turns out it was to late for us to leave. I went ahead and took out the kids and my family and I just stood in the living room watching the news. It was only a few streets away and my heart just dropped, a lot of things started running through my head.

Back home when we would be in tornado watch my dad would gather my brothers, sisters and I in the living room and we would pray until it was over. And I don't care what anyone says but every time we would pray the tornado always seem to turn around and not hit us. My parents have a huge faith in God and are loyal Christians.

I went back into the house and needed to be away from the family to be able to calm down. I went to bathroom and started praying. That is what we would do back home and that was the only thing I felt I needed to do or more like I could do. Just put it in God hands. Well after praying I sure felt a relief and I was able to remain calm. I took the time to make sure to contact my family and check to see that they were all safe. The tornado was actually headed towards my sister's neighborhood so I was constantly texting her to check on her and her family. Thankfully she only had hail and rain her way.

After finally getting the official no longer in tornando watch phrase, my family just sat around and watched the news. As we sat here we spoke about the things that we had packed just incase of the tornado. I can honestly say that we all had different ideas and thoughts about what we wanted to take with us. For example my sister-in-law had packed clothes, personal belongings, toothbrushes and some electronics. As for myself I had packed my SD cards, my social security and bank information. I honestly didn't know what to pack and that was the only things that came to mind. I was going to wear flip-flops but I thought I should wear durable shoes so I wore my Nikes.  Now for my sister she packed a few of her personal belongings such as pictures, flash drives, and a pair of socks. I sat there questioning, why socks? She said that in case her socks got wet she could change them. It's crazy how we all think differently when it comes to things such as bad weather and/or other issues. Well I'm very grateful that my family and I were not hit by the tornado and didn't lose electricity. Now for the rest of the 23,000 people that are out of electricity that wasn't the case. We did see some of the damages caused by the tornado but for the most part we didn't hear any deaths caused by the tornado.


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