Only ones

"The greatest riches a man could have in his life is familia."

Today is National Siblings' Day, so what better yet to talk about my crazy, bilingual, loud, black hair and brown eyed siblings. Well isn't that some type of way to describe them...but it's true. Well first of all there is seven of us so you could only imagine how it gets when we are all together. This is probably where you are thinking  the thought that "only Mexicans" have so many siblings!! So here it goes....

The oldest also known as 'La Chaparra' which explains her height...she's short. She's not even that short but since she is the oldest and we are all taller than her I guess she's consider short. Well anyways let me tell you about her she can be a headache with her rebellious ways but she can also be hilarious because Lord knows she has her days!! She's a hoot!!! She is also the one that everyone considers 'la que tiene los niños' in other words the one with the kids. Before she was the only one from all the bunch that had children so that is where the nickname came from.

The second oldest which is refer to 'la morena' because she's has a natural dark skin tone than the rest of the girls in the family. She actually got my father's skin tone, that pretty brown where tanning isn't even thought of. Everyone seems to say she looks and acts like my father so having his skin tone is only right, que no? If I had to describe her in one word I would have to say I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T DO YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN..!! That's the song though...okay my bad back to this blogging business. That song just says it all but yes that is how I would describe her. She is also known as 'la que vive en la ciudad' which is the one that lives in the city. She was the first one to move away from home so explains that. La morena is bowl of kindness with the most unique laugh that cracks me up!!

The third oldest is known to be 'la de lentes' because she's the only one that wears glasses. I promise that I also I have brothers!! Since there is so many of us, which they say there is but anyways they also call her by her actual name...Lucia. My sister is actually named after my mother so it's pretty easy I guess for people to remember it. Lu is cute in her only little way but don't let that fool you she also has her chingona don't test her cool.

So after three girls my parents finally had their first boy and also the fourth sibling of mine. Juanito or Jr. is what everyone would call him because he looks so much like my father. And I suppose he would because he is only his son but okay people. Anyways he is a very protective father and family man that very independent and hard working as well. My father and him are the I'll do it myself type and if I don't know I will learn it and do it.

After my big brother, it's me and than my younger brothers, Josie Rosie and Joe.  No, that isn't their names but that's what I call them so yeah... Now for my younger brothers it's a different story they are usually referred as 'los chiquititos' because they didn't make it into this world until ten to eleven years later. People always asked if they were twins, which they're not but the curiosity is always there. As for my brothers one was planned and the youngest was quite a surprise. Josie Rosie is usually the one that people call 'el que se parese a Emaunel,' which is my older brother. I will agree that they have similar features which would cause people to assume some type of relation. Josie Rosie is very sociable and is taller than every single one of us so he stands out so much more and is able to see life on different level....hahaha!! Get it?! Lol. Ay dios mio..I'm funny!!

Last but not least it's Joe, the youngest of the bunch and the most calm, chilled and laid back teenager. People usually refer him as 'el mas chiquillo,' which means the youngest. He is also known as 'el bebe de la familia,' the baby from the family. I feel that God blessed my family with him because he knew Josie Rosie would need a partner in crime and for the rest of us, we needed our El. Joe and Josie Rosie are very much alike but also have their difference, I don't like comparisons but they my readers are very different and unique.

When I was younger we always had to share pretty much everything with each other and it wasn't my favorite but I sure enjoyed their company. We were each others headaches and best friends at times but we have all remained close throughout out lives. I'm very blessed to have mis hermanas y mis carnales in my life, I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world...hold on there is something.... Na just kidding I wouldn't because if it wasn't for the help of these guys and my parents, I wouldn't be the Rica they know. They have honestly been there since I can remember, yes we have down falls but we always seems to make it up and continue on. My father always said that we would always be the only ones to have each others' back and well he's been right.


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