My long lost love...

For the most part we have all  had our first love or will soon experience it. Does that mean that you will marry this special person and live happily ever after? Well for me that wasn't the case, I honestly think that God brought this individual to me to become a better person and enjoy life to the fullest. If it hasn't clicked in your head than I'll just tell you that we didn't get married and lived happily ever after.

For college credit you must take a physical education course so I enrolled in cardio and each visit to the gym I had to punch in. Well one day I was punching in and I felt someone staring at me. By the way, am I the only one that feels people staring? Anyways I looked around and I noticed a tall, well built, serious and very cute guy looking at me, he didn't smile nor did I. After that day I started to notice him at the gym the following days, of course he was always around a group of guys so I would always see them. Well one day two of the guys that would workout with him came up to my friend and I. They asked for our names and we chit chatted for about 20 minutes, towards the end of the conversation one of the guys asked for my number and I went ahead and gave it to him. I use to be very picky about who I gave my number to but always remember it is up to you if you will pick up or not. So I decided to hang out with this guy and of course I dragged my gym friend with me as well. After that one night I really didn't find him as interesting and we texted for a good week and finally called it quits. After that happen I received a text message from a new number, which turned out to be the tall, well built guy from the gym!! He told me that he was interested in making friends and if I had a single girlfriend that was serious. And to tell you the truth I didn't think twice before I texted back that I was serious and single. Talk about I grew some cojones right than and there!! Hahaha. Well after that he was like okay, how about we get to know each other than. And if you are wondering yes I knew who he was before I made my remark. All this happen with in the week and I kept going to the gym and started to notice that he was no longer doing his workout routines so I figured that he was probably full of it.

After a few days of texting and talking on the phone we decided to hangout. The small town I lived in didn't have much entertainment and people around the town talked too much, so I decided we should go for a walk at the reservoir. It's actually one of my favorite places back home. Well the reservoir makes the number 8 and has one lake bigger than the other, well we walked both. In that time we did the whole who, what, when and where questions, along with the 21 questions people might ask. I can honestly say that has been one of the most interesting and best date at that  moment in time. We ended the night with a bunch of laughs and giggles. It was very simple but yet had me feeling some type of way.

After knowing him for only two weeks he asked me out and without hesitation I said yes! I always thought that you should at least know a person a good three months before you date them but with him I thought differently. As the years have gone by I've realized that years will not always mean you know someone but that is another post.

After dating Timo for two month he decided that he needed to move back home to make a living. The only reason he was attending the community college was because he was given the opportunity to play baseball on a scholarship, that was later not given to him. After spending two whole months with him I grew to really like Timo that I didn't want to break up with him. Our relationship was like an open book, we spoke about everything from the if's, but's, and so on. We spoke about breaking up and also about doing the long distance kind of thing, which we decided to give it a shot.

It was the month of November and the day that I had dreaded had finally arrived and it was a matter of hours before I would have to kiss and hug him goodbye until the next time around. I wanted to spend more time with him so I decided to drive him to the Dallas/Forth Worth Airport where he would fly out later that day. That was our first road trip together and besides the point of us separating for a couple of months we enjoyed every minute of it like no other! Timo sung his little heart out that day and that was the day I realized that he should probably stick to baseball! Haha, don't get me wrong I loved the numerous times when he would sing to me but I don't think others would agree. Anyways we ended up getting caught up in the traffic and construction, that we were re-routed to another direction. Even though I didn't want to see him leave I still sped so he could make it.  I told Timo that if we didn't make it in time, it was sign from God that he wasn't suppose to leave, well we still made it. *Rolling eyes* It was probably 15 minutes after getting there that his flight was called and that is when the tears started flowing. I guess at first I didn't believe it until it was really happening. Once I heard the lady on the intercom I hugged him tight and told him I didn't want him to leave. Something about the way Timo would hold me would always make me feel like a very petite girl, he would just pick me like nothing. Y eso momentos eran momentos de travesuras! It was some good ole times with him.  I loved his hugs, I always felt so safe and secure in his arms. Trust me, that feeling isn't felt with just anyone. Well back to the airport, I was hugging him so tight that I didn't want to let go. He reached down to grab my face and said, "Boyito porque tu lloras, si yo voy a regresar y vamos habla todo los dias." (Hehehee)  He always seem to find everything funny with his little cute chuck, which always seem to bug me because I felt he wasn't taking the situation serious but he was just such a happy and cheerful guy. Conyo, como te amaba Timo!

For the rest of the days, weeks and months to come, we spoke everyday just like he had promised me. We were in in different time zones so it was always an hour later where he was when we would talk on the phone. And for having to speak to each other everyday, we never had those silent moments, we always had something to talk about no matter what. I really enjoyed that, not everyone can do that. Yet so simple but I loved it. Finally February arrived and my baby came to see me and stayed for an entire month!! Talk about boyfriend of the year!! Throughout the time that we were away from each other it only created a very strong, lovable and caring relationship between us. You can only imagine how we were once we finally got to see each other, I enjoyed every moment with him that month! That month estaba llena de amor, paz, pasión, romantic dinners, sleepless nights, late night walks, bachata dances while cooking and the list could go on forever.

March came in a blink of an eye and soon we had to say our goodbyes again. Of course nothing changed, the calls were everyday and we would always have something to speak about. It wasn't until mid-April that we were starting to talk every other day and we both were busy with work but we still made time for each other. It was at that point in time that I felt that maybe it would be better for us to break-up because I wasn't for sure when I would be able to go see him. I was also having some family issues at home and trying to balance work, school and gym was starting to get to me. I don't know why but for that moment I started to bottle up my problems and didn't want to stress Timo with my personal issues. I really don't know what changed because I had always told him my problems and any issues at home or elsewhere. And I honestly think that was the down fall, my communication just stopped. Like I said before we were always so open about everything we spoke about and what we felt, so what went wrong when everything was so great. I remember calling him and telling him that we should break up because I didn't know when I would be able to make it out to see him. I always told him that it wasn't fair for him that we weren't able to be together. And that it was just best that he date someone who he would be able to hug and see everyday. Massive tears went down my cheeks knowing that I was breaking up with the love of my life. He didn't expect anything of this, of course he needed time to take it all in. I asked that we remain friends if he didn't mind and of course he didn't know why I would want that after I just broke up with him. It was a couple days later when he called me and told me that he was willing to keep a friendship. We talked about the whole breaking up and what we had planned for our own future. The part that I never told him was what I was going through some personal problems at home and the lack of communication isn't going to solve anything. He was such a great guy to me that I loved so much and who I saw a future with. Not all things are as easy as we may see it but yet not everything is impossible. I really loved this guy and well I had my chance with him and life happens. . .


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