LIVE Not So Ready

Today was the day I chose to go live and let me tell you it didn't go as I thought it would. I knew what I was going to say from the top of my head but for some reason once I turned on the mic I went blank. So of course I tried to play it off but that didn't go smooth at all, which allowed me to get even more nervous of the situation. Well once I was off air that is when I'm informed that I had said the wrong information and that is when I felt this HUGE tension come over me.

I have always avoided the situation of being in front of the camera or anything on camera. I have always been camera shy for the most part of my life and HATED public speaking with a passion!! So of course I told myself that I would choose a career where I wouldn't have to do any of that. Well how about we fast forward to years later where I am now doing an internship for a radio station. Why, you might ask? Well I decided that I no longer wanted to do anything in the criminal justice field and felt like I was passionate about professional media. And of course I can't really change my major now, hello I'm only a semester away from graduating. So ni modo me tengo que hecharle ganas, no tengo de otra!! Especially when I have put in some much time and money into this education.

I am very pleased to have a great group of people, radio personalities, family and friends that stand behind me and push me to keep going. They constantly inform me that this isn't a thing you become overnight, you have to practice, practice, and keep practicing of course. They say that every day is a new day and to not stress about what happen yesterday, positive vibes...always!! Of course I'm very thankful to be surrounded by individuals like that, we all need that pep talk or even that motivational speech.

So for those who have been in the same situation just wipe any tears, yell out loud to get it out of your system and give it your all!! Remember it's the beginning and you got this!! Pura ganas aqui and don't give up because YOU GOT THIS Doll, or handsome! Like us Latinos like to say, "SI SE PUEDE," you can do it!


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