Buen Dia, Ramon

Last night I saw the movie Buen Dia Ramon and let me say that I really, really liked it. In the movie they speak in three different languages but you can always put subtitles. I honestly didn't mind reading the subtitles for the most part.

The movie is about a young Mexican guy who travels to Germany to live with his friend's aunt but later isn't able to locate her. Since that was his only hope, he has to live on the street, where he faces a bleak future until he meets Ruth. Ruth is an 80 year old woman who gives him a hand and they develop a close bond.

After seeing this movie it only reminded me of what half of the immigrants have to go through to survive. I'm a daughter of immigrants and I will forever be proud to say it, it's thanks to them that I have a better opportunity for life. This is a great example of what people have to live and deal with when leaving their country. The place that is known as HOME later becomes a memory because they have taken the risk to see a better opportunity in a different country. They have hope that it will be a matter of time before life gets better and they can provide for their families back home.

Like I said before I really, really liked this movie but there is two scenes that I just have to talk about. The first one is when Ramon is in the market and he finally is able to buy himself a meal so he is checking out the entire store. As he is checking out the groceries he finds CHILES and that just makes his day. If you don't know us Mexicans love chiles, anything to add a spicy flavor! So he ends up buy him a couple of chiles.

The next scene is when he hears Mexican music playing for the first time in Germany, which brings him the biggest smile to his face. He later on listens to one of his favorite songs and starts dancing like no other!! Ay Dios Mio, I freaking love that scene, it may be the fact that I can totally relate to that scene! When I first moved away from home for college I got a HUGE culture shock! I had never been away from home without any family and now I was off to big university with so many different types of people. Well I always felt like there wasn't anyone like me and that just made me miss home so much more! Not being able to be surrounded by the Spanish music like Cumbias, reggaeton, romanticas and even the homemade arroz con frijoles y tortillas de harina! Ay mi madre...it;s so good it will want to slap the person next to you! Okay, let's not but you get the point about it being delicious! Well with all honest, you should really check out the movie.


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