Tomorrow's Monday....


It's official, Spring Break has come to an end....sadly but surely. I honestly was looking forward to being able to clear half of my to do list and catching up on some Z's but of course that wasn't the case. Other important things came up that took a great amount of my time and energy but I enjoyed it. Things such as opportunities, which are not always offered so when you get the chance, take it! I was also able to spend some quality time with my family and even my little brother came to visit for a couple of days. Y claro, comi muy bien....mami y papi made some tamales de puerco con chile rojo.

Spring Break flew on by and now to get back to focusing on finishing up the semester and giving it my all. I can honestly say that my count down has officially started, seven more weeks until the summer break! I would be much more excited to say that I'm also graduating in seven weeks but that isn't the case. Of course I wasn't able to get into two of the courses I need so I will have to wait till December to finally graduate, God willing. Pero like my dad says, "todo paso por un razon." So I'm fine with that.

Well back to our daily lives starting tomorrow, so make sure to set alarms, pack your lunch and/or to finish up all those assignments that are due tomorrow or sometime this week. I can honestly say that's what I'm currently doing. Buenas noches and I'm out.


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