You want the beans?

I have worked at my job for more than two years already and for the past years  we never celebrated "Cinco de Mayo." So this past year for some reason the owner of the company decide to celebrate and have Chipotle cater the celebration.

For me it was like any other ordinary day at work, nothing new. So once I'm getting ready to clock in I hear, "Happy Cinco de Mayo Ricarda!" 

Ay mi madre, are you serious right now? At first I didn't think nothing of it
as anything until I started to noticed that coworkers were only telling me. Yes, I'm the only Mexican at my job. So I'm like it's okay, whatever, no hay problem. It wasn't until a coworker started asking about the history of "Cinco de Mayo" and how did my family celebrate it. By than I was like shut the front door, is he really asking me this right now? So I keep it cool and just go ahead and educate this man on the history because he obviously didn't know what he was talking about.

The battle of Puebla took place on May 5, 1862, which was the battle fought against the Mexican and the French. Now for the September 16,  that is when Mexico's Independence day is celebrated. The only reason that we might go ahead and celebrate could be que no mas queremos ir a pasar la muy bien. Y si nos dan el dia libre, no con mas razon.

So finally it's lunch time and everyone is serving themselves of course and talking about how "authentic" the food is and how very delicious it is. At this point I'm thinking, man if only these people actually knew what "authentic" taste like. As I'm thinking all this a coworker walks over to me and starts asking me about how spicy the salsa was and if I could handle it. The salsa wasn't even spicy it was just your regular salsa and chips that you could purchase at the store. *Rolling my eyes* 

Well finally after I thought everything had been said and done I was wrong. Tell me why they were giving away the left overs and when I say the leftovers, that means everything from tortilla chips to shredded chicken. Well of course everyone else was offered leftovers but not with me, it was different. Instead of offering me some "tortillas" or shredded chicken they just assumed I would take the black beans!

"Don't worry Ricarda will take the beans," yelled my supervisor.

By than I finally gave in and thought, not racist at all. *Rolling my eyes* Ay Dios mio some people I just can't seem to understand their ignorance. Like enserio, really? You think I would want the beans? Don't get me wrong I'll get down to some frijoles and arroz con pollo pero don't ask me to take some can beans home. The struggle of being Mexican sometimes.


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