It Was Only Twenty Bucks

So I enjoy going shopping and especially if there is sales, discounts and coupons to use. So I thought that I would spend wisely by making the decision of taking money out of my account instead of just sliding the card. For me it's easier to slide and go instead of having cash and keeping up with how much I'm spending.

Well Sunday my sister and I went to the Metropolitan book sale that was going on over the weekend. I decided to only take out $20 and only spend that or less because I'm not a huge book reader but if I find something that's interesting you better bet your nalgas I'm going to read it. So we go to this book sale where you have a great variety of numerous books, cds, dvds, cassettes, records, magazines, and many more. Well I honestly just went to check out the music and to "look around." Well I ended up buying five books and two cds for only $4.50. Muy bueno, que no! Now that's what I'm talking about! I never really get excited about books like that pero es dia si!

After the book sale, it was time to get lunch because if you didn't know this fluffy girl likes to eat and I was starving! I was in the mood for pancakes while my sister wanted a burger so we decided on Denny's because it was near by. As we were parking we noticed Louie's Grill and Bar across the street so we went there instead. By than I actually wanted a margarita
but my sister said people would probably judge me so I thought who cares? But than I thought I had one last night so I bet not today. Well little did I remember that my producer gave me a card for a free pepperoni pizza at Louise's so I ordered that with a side of golden fries (because they have the BEST fries ever) and a pink lemonade. Well let me tell you, that pizza was the bomb dot com!! It could have been the fact that it was FREE but ay mi madre it was so good! Well I ended up paying $5.58 plus I left a $5 tip as well.

Later on that day we decided to go get smoothies because we really didn't have an appetite for dinner. So we went to Tropical Smoothie Café. Yes, the famous place where I had my mango madness incident. Well I changed it up and got a Sunrise Sunset, which was very delicious!! I must confess that it was better than the Mango Magic that I originally get. Change is good mi gente so change it up once in a while. One thing I will mention is that the smoothies are 24 oz and the prices vary but it's a decent price. My smoothie cost me $4.65 and like I mentioned before, it was very good!!

So when you add all that up it comes out to $19.73, not bad at all. Especially when I decided to only spend $20 or less at the book sale and I didn't plan on going out for lunch or having a smoothie. You see it's all about being smart with your money and checking out the sales. Trust me when you spend less and buy more, that is part of being a smart shopper. This will not always be the case but do keep that in mind.


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