Just for a mango smoothie. . .

When I first moved to the city I loved the fact that if I craved anything I could get up and go. As for the place I use to live in didn't have varies options. So one day I wanted a smoothie, better yet a strawberry and banana one. So I went to this random place that I had always driven by called Tropical Smoothie. As I enter there was a teenage boy standing at the register where he greeted me and I did the same. Even though I knew what I wanted I still checked out the menu to see what other options I had. That is when I saw "Mango Magic" never had I seen any mango flavor smoothies, well at least here in Oklahoma.  So I go ahead and tell him that I want Mango magic and this is how it goes.

Me: Yes, can I please have the mango magic. (Saying mango in Spanish, it's just habit.)
Boy: We don't have that.
Me: Umm, you don't? Well it's on your menu.
Boy: No we don't sell that.
Me: Umm, I think you do.
Boy: No we don't have that.
Me: Well it's on your menu!
Boy: No we don't.
Me: Yes you do, it's the third from the bottom, on the right, Mango magic. ( At that moment I believe it was the third towards the bottom, but do keep in mind that it has been a couple of years from now.)

He turns and looks at the menu and responds.
Boy: Oh, you mean mango magic? (Saying it in English)
Me: Yes, Mango Magic. (I clearly said that, I thought to myself.

I couldn't believe that I stood there the entire time with this guy trying to get my point across, to only find out that he didn't understand me.


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